
OGR geoprocessing

Cortar vectores por extensión


Clips any OGR-supported vector file to a given extent. The algorithm is derived from the ogr2ogr utility .


Capa de entrada [vector: cualquiera]
Input vector layer.
Clip extent [extent]

Defines the bounding box that should be used for the output vector file. It has to be defined in target CRS units.

Por defecto: 0,1,0,1

Additional creation Options [string]


<colocar la descripción de parámetros aquí>

Default: (not set)


Capa de salida [vector]
Output vector layer.

Uso de la consola

processing.runalg('gdalogr:clipvectorsbyextent', input_layer, clip_extent, options, output_layer)

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Clip vectors by polygon


Clips any OGR-supported vector layer by a polygon. The algorithm is derived from the ogr2ogr utility .


Capa de entrada [vector: cualquiera]
Input vector layer.
Clip layer [vector: polygon]
Layer to be used as clipping extent for the input vector layer.
Additional creation Options [string]


<colocar la descripción de parámetros aquí>

Default: (not set)


Capa de salida [vector]
Output vector layer. By default this is an ESRI Shapefile.

Uso de la consola

processing.runalg('gdalogr:clipvectorsbypolygon', input_layer, clip_layer, options, output_layer)

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