The Symbol Library is the place where users can create generic symbols to be used in several QGIS projects. It allows users to export and import symbols, groups symbols and add, edit and remove symbols. You can open it with the Settings ‣ Style Library or from the Style tab in the vector layer’s Properties.
Groups are categories of Symbols and smart groups are dynamic groups.
To create a group, right-click on an existing group or on the main Groups
directory in the left of the library. You can also select a group and click
on the add item button.
To add a symbol into a group, you can either right click on a symbol then choose
Apply group and then the group name added before. There is a second
way to add several symbols into group: just select a group and click
and choose Group Symbols. All symbols display a checkbox
that allow you to add the symbol into the selected groups. When finished, you can
click on the same button, and choose Finish Grouping.
Create Smart Symbols is similar to creating group, but instead select Smart Groups. The dialog box allow user to choose the expression to select symbols in order to appear in the smart group (contains some tags, member of a group, have a string in its name, etc.)
With the Style manager from the [Symbol] menu you
can manage your symbols. You can
add item,
edit item,
remove item and
share item. ‘Marker’ symbols, ‘Line’ symbols, ‘Fill’ patterns and
‘colour ramps’ can be used to create the symbols.
The symbols are then assigned to ‘All Symbols’, ‘Groups’ or ‘Smart groups’.
Para cada tipo de símbolos, você encontrará sempre a mesma estrutura de diálogo:
The symbol tree allow adding, removing or protect new simple symbol. You can move up or down the symbol layer.
More detailed settings can be made when clicking on the second level in the Symbol layers dialog. You can define Symbol layers that are combined afterwards. A symbol can consist of several Symbol layers. Settings will be shown later in this chapter.
Note that once you have set the size in the lower levels of the Symbol layers dialog, the size of the whole symbol can be changed with the Size menu in the first level again. The size of the lower levels changes accordingly, while the size ratio is maintained.
Marcadores de Símbolos possuem vários tipos símbolo da camada:
Marcador Elipse
Marcador da Fonte
Marcado Simples (padrão)
Marcadores SVG
Marcadores de campos vetoriais
The following settings are possible:
: guilabel: Tipo do Símbolo da camada: Você tem a opção de usar marcadores de elipse, marcadores de fonte, marcadores simples, marcadores SVG e marcadores de campo vetorial.
Estilo de contorno
Largura do contorno
: guilabel: ‘Deslocamento X,Y`: Você pode mudar o símbolo na direção -x ou -y.
Ancorar ponto
Definor propriedades dos dados ...
Símbolos marcador de linha têm apenas dois tipos símbolo da camada:
Marcadores de linha
Linha simples (padrão)
The default symbol layer type draws a simple line whereas the other display a marker point regularly on the line. You can choose different location vertex, interval or central point. Marker line can have offset along the line or offset line. Finally, rotation allows you to change the orientation of the symbol.
The following settings are possible:
Marcador de Símbolos do Polígono tem também vários tipos símbolo da camada:
Preenchimento do centroide
Preenchimento em gradiente
Preenchimento de linha padrão
Preenchimento de ponto padrão
Preenchimento de imagem raster
Preenchimento SVG
Preenchimento estourar feição
Preenchimento Simples (padrão)
Contorno: linha de marcação (o mesmo que marcador de linha)
Contorno: linha simples (o mesmo que marcador de linha)
The following settings are possible:
Cores para a borda e o preenchimento.
Estilo de preenchimento
Estilo de borda
Espessura da borda
Deslocamento X,Y
Definor propriedades dos dados ...
Using the color combo box, you can drag and drop color for one color button to another button, copy-paste color, pick color from somewhere, choose a color from the palette or from recent or standard color. The combo box allow you to fill in the feature with transparency. You can also just click on the button to open the palettte dialog. Note that you can import color from some external software like GIMP.
Com o “preenchimento de imagem Raster ‘você pode preencher polígonos uma imagem raster com azulejos. As opções incluem (dados definidos) nome do arquivo, a opacidade, tamanho da imagem (em pixels, mm ou unidades de mapa), o modo (recurso ou vista) e rotação de coordenadas.
‘Gradient Fill’ Symbol layer type allows you to select
between a Two color
Color ramp setting. You can use the
Feature centroid as Referencepoint.
All fills ‘Gradient Fill` Symbol layer type is also
available through the Symbol menu of the Categorized and
Graduated Renderer and through the Rule properties menu of
the Rule-based renderer. Other possibility is to choose a ‘shapeburst
fill’ which is a buffered gradient fill, where a gradient is drawn from
the boundary of a polygon towards the polygon’s centre. Configurable
parameters include distance from the boundary to shade, use of color ramps or
simple two color gradients, optional blurring of the fill and offsets.
É possível apenas desenhar bordas do polígonos dentro do polígono. Usando ‘Contorno: linha simples’ selecionando | caixa |: guilabel: Desenhar linha só dentro polígono.
You can create a custom color ramp choosing New color ramp...
from the color ramp drop-down menu. A dialog will prompt for the ramp type:
Gradient, Random, colorBrewer, or cpt-city. The first three have options for number of steps
and/or multiple stops in the color ramp. You can use the Invert option while classifying
the data with a color ramp. See figure_symbology_3 for an
example of custom color ramp and figure_symbology_3a for the cpt-city dialog.
Figure Symbology 3:
A opção cpt-city abrirá um novo diálogo com centenas de temas incluídos ‘fora da caixa’
Figure Symbology 3a: