

This tool can turn billions of points with via seamless Delaunay triangulation implemented using streaming into large iso-contour lines (optionally tiled). For more info see the blast2iso page and its online README file.


verbose [boolean]

Generates more textual control output to the console.

Default: False

open LAStools GUI [boolean]

Starts the GUI of LAStools with pre-populated input files.

Default: False

input LAS/LAZ file [points]
The file containing the points to be rastered in LAS/LAZ format.
smooth [integer]

Specifies if and with how many passes the temporary TIN should be smoothed.

Default: 0

extract isoline with spacing of [number]

Specifies spacing at which iso-contour lines are getting extracted.

Default: 10.0

clean isolines shorter than [number]

Omits iso-contour lines that are shorter than the specified length.

Default: 0.0

simplify segments shorter than [number]

Rudimentary simplification of iso-contour line segments that are shorter than the specified length.

Default: 0.0

simplify segment pairs with area less than [number]

Rudimentary simplification of bumps formed by consecutive line segments whose area is smaller than the specified size.

Default: 0.0

additional command line parameter(s) [string]

Specifies other command-line switches not available via this menu but known to the (advanced) LAStools user.



Output vector file [raster]
Specifies where the output vector is stored. Use SHP or WKT output files. If your input LiDAR file is in geographic coordinates (long/lat) or has geo-referencing information (but only then) you can also create a KML output file.

Console usage

processing.runalg('blast2iso', verbose, gui, input, smooth, isoline_spacing, clean, simplify, simplify_area, additional, output)

See also the blast2iso page and its online README file.