.. only:: html
Code Snippets
.. contents::
This section features code snippets to facilitate plugin development.
.. index:: Plugins; Adding shortcut
How to call a method by a key shortcut
In the plug-in add to the :func:`initGui()`
self.key_action = QAction("Test Plugin", self.iface.mainWindow())
self.iface.registerMainWindowAction(self.key_action, "Ctrl+I") # action triggered by Ctrl+I
self.iface.addPluginToMenu("&Test plugins", self.key_action)
To :func:`unload()` add
The method that is called when CTRL+I is pressed
def key_action_triggered(self):
QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(),"Ok", "You pressed Ctrl+I")
.. index:: Plugins; Toggle layers
How to toggle Layers
There is an API to access layers in the legend.
Here is an example that toggles the visibility of the active layer
root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot()
node = root.findLayer(iface.activeLayer().id())
new_state = Qt.Checked if node.isVisible() == Qt.Unchecked else Qt.Unchecked
.. index:: Plugins; Access attributes of selected features
How to access attribute table of selected features
.. code-block:: python
def change_value(value):
"""Change the value in the second column for all selected features.
:param value: The new value.
layer = iface.activeLayer()
if layer:
count_selected = layer.selectedFeatureCount()
if count_selected > 0:
id_features = layer.selectedFeatureIds()
for i in id_features:
layer.changeAttributeValue(i, 1, value) # 1 being the second column
"Please select at least one feature from current layer")
iface.messageBar().pushCritical("Error", "Please select a layer")
The method requires one parameter (the new value for the second
field of the selected feature(s)) and can be called by