.. only:: html
|LS| Spatial Queries
Spatial queries are no different from other database queries. You can use the
geometry column like any other database column. With the installation of
PostGIS in our database, we have additional functions to query our database.
**The goal for this lesson:** To see how spatial functions are implemented
similarly to "normal" non-spatial functions.
.. _backlink-spatial-queries-1:
Spatial Operators
When you want to know which points are within a distance of 2 degrees to a
point(X,Y) you can do this with:
.. code-block:: sql
select *
from people
where st_distance(the_geom,'SRID=4326;POINT(33 -34)') < 2;
.. code-block:: sql
id | name | house_no | street_id | phone_no | the_geom
6 | Fault Towers | 34 | 3 | 072 812 31 28 | 01010008040C0
(1 row)
.. note:: the_geom value above was truncated for space on this page. If you
want to see the point in human-readable coordinates, try something similar
to what you did in the section "View a point as WKT", above.
How do we know that the query above returns all the points within 2 *degrees*?
Why not 2 *meters*? Or any other unit, for that matter?
:ref:`Check your results `
.. _backlink-spatial-queries-2:
Spatial Indexes
We also can define spatial indexes. A spatial index makes your spatial queries
much faster. To create a spatial index on the geometry column use:
.. code-block:: psql
CREATE INDEX people_geo_idx
ON people
USING gist
\d people
.. code-block:: psql
Table "public.people"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default
| | nextval('people_id_seq'::regclass)
name | character varying(50) |
house_no | integer | not null
street_id | integer | not null
phone_no | character varying |
the_geom | geometry |
"people_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"people_geo_idx" gist (the_geom) <-- new spatial key added
"people_name_idx" btree (name)
Check constraints:
"people_geom_point_chk" CHECK (st_geometrytype(the_geom) = 'ST_Point'::text
OR the_geom IS NULL)
Foreign-key constraints:
"people_street_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (street_id) REFERENCES streets(id)
|TY| |moderate|
Modify the cities table so its geometry column is spatially indexed.
:ref:`Check your results `
PostGIS Spatial Functions Demo
In order to demo PostGIS spatial functions, we'll create a new database
containing some (fictional) data.
To start, create a new database (exit the psql shell first):
.. code-block:: bash
createdb postgis_demo
Remember to install the postgis extensions:
.. code-block:: bash
psql -d postgis_demo -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
Next, import the data provided in the :kbd:`exercise_data/postgis/` directory.
Refer back to the previous lesson for instructions, but remember that you'll
need to create a new PostGIS connection to the new database. You can import from
the terminal or via DB Manager. Import the files into the following database
- :kbd:`points.shp` into :kbd:`building`
- :kbd:`lines.shp` into :kbd:`road`
- :kbd:`polygons.shp` into :kbd:`region`
Load these three database layers into QGIS via the :guilabel:`Add PostGIS
Layers` dialog, as usual. When you open their attribute tables, you'll note
that they have both an :kbd:`id` field and a :kbd:`gid` field created by the
PostGIS import.
Now that the tables are imported, we can use PostGIS to query the data. Go back
to your terminal (command line) and enter the psql prompt by running::
psql postgis_demo
We'll demo some of these select statements by creating views from them, so that
you can open them in QGIS and see the results.
Select by location
Get all the buildings in the KwaZulu region:
.. code-block:: sql
SELECT a.id, a.name, st_astext(a.the_geom) as point
FROM building a, region b
WHERE st_within(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)
AND b.name = 'KwaZulu';
.. code-block:: sql
id | name | point
30 | York | POINT(1622345.23785063 6940490.65844485)
33 | York | POINT(1622495.65620524 6940403.87862489)
35 | York | POINT(1622403.09106394 6940212.96302097)
36 | York | POINT(1622287.38463732 6940357.59605424)
40 | York | POINT(1621888.19746548 6940508.01440885)
(5 rows)
Or, if we create a view from it:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_select_location AS
SELECT a.gid, a.name, a.the_geom
FROM building a, region b
WHERE st_within(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)
AND b.name = 'KwaZulu';
Add the view as a layer and view it in QGIS:
.. image:: img/kwazulu_view_result.png
:align: center
Select neighbors
Show a list of all the names of regions adjoining the Hokkaido region:
.. code-block:: sql
SELECT b.name
FROM region a, region b
WHERE st_touches(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)
AND a.name = 'Hokkaido';
.. code-block:: sql
(3 rows)
As a view:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_regions_adjoining_hokkaido AS
SELECT b.gid, b.name, b.the_geom
FROM region a, region b
WHERE TOUCHES(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)
AND a.name = 'Hokkaido';
.. image:: img/adjoining_result.png
:align: center
Note the missing region (Queensland). This may be due to a topology error.
Artifacts such as this can alert us to potential problems in the data. To solve
this enigma without getting caught up in the anomalies the data may have, we
could use a buffer intersect instead:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_hokkaido_buffer AS
SELECT gid, ST_BUFFER(the_geom, 100) as the_geom
FROM region
WHERE name = 'Hokkaido';
This creates a buffer of 100 meters around the region Hokkaido.
The darker area is the buffer:
.. image:: img/hokkaido_buffer.png
:align: center
Select using the buffer:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_hokkaido_buffer_select AS
SELECT b.gid, b.name, b.the_geom
) a,
region b
WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)
AND b.name != 'Hokkaido';
In this query, the original buffer view is used as any other table would be. It
is given the alias :kbd:`a`, and its geometry field, :kbd:`a.the_geom`, is used
to select any polygon in the :kbd:`region` table (alias :kbd:`b`) that
intersects it. However, Hokkaido itself is excluded from this select statement,
because we don't want it; we only want the regions adjoining it.
.. image:: img/hokkaido_buffer_select.png
:align: center
It is also possible to select all objects within a given distance, without the
extra step of creating a buffer:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_hokkaido_distance_select AS
SELECT b.gid, b.name, b.the_geom
FROM region a, region b
WHERE ST_DISTANCE (a.the_geom, b.the_geom) < 100
AND a.name = 'Hokkaido'
AND b.name != 'Hokkaido';
This achieves the same result, without need for the interim buffer step:
.. image:: img/hokkaido_distance_select.png
:align: center
Select unique values
Show a list of unique town names for all buildings in the Queensland region:
.. code-block:: sql
FROM building a, region b
WHERE st_within(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)
AND b.name = 'Queensland';
.. code-block:: sql
(3 rows)
Further examples ...
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_shortestline AS
SELECT b.gid AS gid,
ST_ASTEXT(ST_SHORTESTLINE(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)) as text,
ST_SHORTESTLINE(a.the_geom, b.the_geom) AS the_geom
FROM road a, building b
WHERE a.id=5 AND b.id=22;
CREATE VIEW vw_longestline AS
SELECT b.gid AS gid,
ST_ASTEXT(ST_LONGESTLINE(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)) as text,
ST_LONGESTLINE(a.the_geom, b.the_geom) AS the_geom
FROM road a, building b
WHERE a.id=5 AND b.id=22;
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_road_centroid AS
SELECT a.gid as gid, ST_CENTROID(a.the_geom) as the_geom
FROM road a
WHERE a.id = 1;
CREATE VIEW vw_region_centroid AS
SELECT a.gid as gid, ST_CENTROID(a.the_geom) as the_geom
FROM region a
WHERE a.name = 'Saskatchewan';
.. code-block:: sql
FROM region a
WHERE a.name='Queensland';
SELECT ST_AREA(a.the_geom)
FROM region a
WHERE a.name='Queensland';
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_simplify AS
SELECT gid, ST_Simplify(the_geom, 20) AS the_geom
FROM road;
CREATE VIEW vw_simplify_more AS
SELECT gid, ST_Simplify(the_geom, 50) AS the_geom
FROM road;
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE VIEW vw_convex_hull AS
ROW_NUMBER() over (order by a.name) as id,
a.name as town,
ST_CONVEXHULL(ST_COLLECT(a.the_geom)) AS the_geom
FROM building a
GROUP BY a.name;
You have seen how to query spatial objects using the new database functions
from PostGIS.
Next we're going to investigate the structures of more complex geometries and
how to create them using PostGIS.
.. Substitutions definitions - AVOID EDITING PAST THIS LINE
This will be automatically updated by the find_set_subst.py script.
If you need to create a new substitution manually,
please add it also to the substitutions.txt file in the
source folder.
.. |IC| replace:: In Conclusion
.. |LS| replace:: Lesson:
.. |TY| replace:: Try Yourself
.. |WN| replace:: What's Next?
.. |moderate| image:: /static/global/moderate.png