Layer tools
.. only:: html
.. contents::
:depth: 1
.. _qgispolygonfromlayerextent:
Extract layer extent
Generates a vector layer with the minimum bounding box (rectangle with
N-S orientation) that covers all the input features.
The output layer contains a single bounding box for the whole input
.. figure:: img/extract_layer_extent.png
:align: center
In red the bounding box of the source layer
**Default menu**: :menuselection:`Vector --> Research Tools`
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **Layer**
- ``INPUT``
- [layer]
- Input layer
* - **Extent**
- ``OUTPUT``
- [vector: polygon]
Default: ``[Create temporary layer]``
- Specify the polygon vector layer for the output extent.
One of:
* Create Temporary Layer (``TEMPORARY_OUTPUT``)
* Save to File...
* Save to Geopackage...
* Save to PostGIS Table...
The file encoding can also be changed here.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 20 20 20 40
* - Label
- Name
- Type
- Description
* - **Extent**
- ``OUTPUT``
- [vector: polygon]
- Output (polygon) vector layer with the extent
(minimum bounding box)
Python code
**Algorithm ID**: ``qgis:polygonfromlayerextent``
.. include:: qgis_algs_include.rst
:start-after: **algorithm_code_section**
:end-before: **end_algorithm_code_section**