Random field


Generates a random grid layer.


Width (Cells) [number]

Width of the layer in cells.

Default: 100

Height (Cells) [number]

Height of the layer in cells.

Default: 100

Cellsize [number]

Cell size to use.

Default: 100.0

West [number]

West coordinate of the bottom-left corner of the grid.

Default: 0.0

South [number]

South coordinate of the bottom-left corner of the grid.

Default: 0.0

Method [selection]

Statistical method used for the calculation.


  • 0 — [0] Uniform
  • 1 — [1] Gaussian

Default: 0

Range Min [number]

Minimum cell value to use.

Default: 0.0

Range Max [number]

Maximum cell value to use.

Default: 1.0

Arithmetic Mean [number]

Mean of all the cell values to use.

Default: 0.0

Standard Deviation [number]

Standard deviation of all the cell values to use.

Default: 1.0


Random Field [raster]
The resulting layer.

Console usage

processing.runalg('saga:randomfield', nx, ny, cellsize, xmin, ymin, method, range_min, range_max, mean, stddev, output)

See also