Figure_composer_output_1 shows the Print Composer with an example print layout, including each type of map item described in the previous section.
Figure Composer Output 1:
Print Composer with map view, legend, image, scale bar, coordinates, text and HTML frame added
Before printing a layout you have the possibility to view your composition
without bounding boxes. This can be enabled by deactivating View –>
Show bounding boxes or pressing the shortcut
The Print Composer allows you to create several output formats, and it is possible to define the resolution (print quality) and paper size:
Clicking the Export as image icon will ask you to
enter the filename to use to export composition: in case of multi-page composition,
each page will be exported to a file with the given name appended with the page
You can then override the print resolution (set in Composition tab) and resize exported image dimensions.
By checking Crop to content option, the images output by
composer will include only the area of the composition with content.
There’s also an option for margins to add around the item bounds if required.
If the composition includes a single page, then the output will be sized to include EVERYTHING on the composition. If it’s a multi-page composition, then each page will be cropped to only include the area of that page with items.
Figure Composer Output 2:
Image Export Options
If you need to export your layout as a georeferenced image (e.g., to share
with other projects), you need to enable this feature under the Composition tab.
Check World file on and choose the map item to use.
With this option, the ‘Export as image’ action will create a world file along
the exported image.
Exporting big rasters can sometimes fail, even if there seems to be enough memory. This is a problem with the underlying Qt management of rasters.
With Export as SVG, you also need to fill the filename
(used as a basename for all files in case of multi_page composition) and then
can apply
Crop to content option.
The SVG export options dialog allows also to :
Figure Composer Output 3:
SVG Export Options
Currently, the SVG output is very basic. This is not a QGIS problem, but a problem with the underlying Qt library. This will hopefully be sorted out in future versions.
The Export as PDF exports all the composition into a
single PDF file.
If you applied to your composition or any shown layer an advanced effect such as blend modes, transparency or symbol effects, these cannot be printed as vectors and your effects may be lost. Checking Print as a raster in Composition tab helps to keep the effects but rasterize the composition. Note that the Force layer to render as raster in the Rendering tab of Layer Properties is a layer-level alternative that avoids global composition rasterization.
The Print Composer includes generation functions that allow you to create map books in an automated way. The concept is to use a coverage layer, which contains geometries and fields. For each geometry in the coverage layer, a new output will be generated where the content of some canvas maps will be moved to highlight the current geometry. Fields associated with this geometry can be used within text labels.
Every page will be generated with each feature. To enable the generation of an atlas and access generation parameters, refer to the Atlas generation tab. This tab contains the following widgets (see figure_composer_atlas_1):
Figure Composer Atlas 1:
Atlas generation tab
You also have options to set the output of the atlas:
You can use multiple map items with the atlas generation; each map will be rendered
according to the coverage features. To enable atlas generation for a specific map
item, you need to check Controlled by Atlas under the item
properties of the map item.
Once checked, you can set:
In order to adapt labels to the feature the atlas plugin iterates over, you can include expressions. What you should take care of is to place expression part (including functions, fields or variables) between [% and %]. For example, for a city layer with fields CITY_NAME and ZIPCODE, you could insert this:
The area of [% upper(CITY_NAME) || ',' || ZIPCODE || ' is '
format_number($area/1000000,2) %] km2
or, another combination:
The area of [% upper(CITY_NAME)%],[%ZIPCODE%] is
[%format_number($area/1000000,2) %] km2
The information [% upper(CITY_NAME) || ',' || ZIPCODE || ' is ' format_number($area/1000000,2) %] is an expression used inside the label. both expressions would result in the generated atlas as:
The area of PARIS,75001 is 1.94 km2
There are several places where you can use a Data Defined
Override button to override the selected setting. These options are particularly
useful with Atlas Generation.
For the following examples the Regions layer of the QGIS sample dataset is used and selected for Atlas Generation. We also assume the paper format A4 (210X297) is selected in the Composition tab for field Presets.
With a Data Defined Override button you can dynamically set the paper orientation. When the height (north-south) of the extents of a region is greater than its width (east-west), you rather want to use portrait instead of landscape orientation to optimize the use of paper.
In the Composition you can set the field Orientation
and select Landscape or Portrait. We want to set the orientation dynamically
using an expression depending on the region geometry.
Press the button of field Orientation, select
Edit... so the Expression string builder dialog opens.
Enter the following expression:
CASE WHEN bounds_width($atlasgeometry) > bounds_height($atlasgeometry)
THEN 'Landscape' ELSE 'Portrait' END
Now the paper orients itself automatically. For each Region you need to reposition
the location of the composer item as well. For the map item you can
use the button of field Width to set it
dynamically using following expression:
(CASE WHEN bounds_width($atlasgeometry) > bounds_height($atlasgeometry)
THEN 297 ELSE 210 END) - 20
Use the button of field Height to provide following
(CASE WHEN bounds_width($atlasgeometry) > bounds_height($atlasgeometry)
THEN 210 ELSE 297 END) - 20
When you want to give a title above the map in the center of the page,
insert a label item above the map. First use the item properties of the label
item to set the horizontal alignment to Center.
Next activate from Reference point the upper middle checkbox.
You can provide the following expression for field X :
(CASE WHEN bounds_width($atlasgeometry) > bounds_height($atlasgeometry)
THEN 297 ELSE 210 END) / 2
For all other composer items you can set the position in a similar way so they are correctly positioned when the page is automatically rotated in portrait or landscape.
Information provided is derived from the excellent blog (in English and Portuguese) on the Data Defined Override options Multiple_format_map_series_using_QGIS_2.6 .
This is just one example of how you can use the Data Defined Override option.
Figure Composer Atlas 2:
Atlas Preview toolbar
Once the atlas settings have been configured and composer items (map, table,
image...) linked to it, you can create a preview of all the pages by clicking
Atlas ‣ Preview Atlas or Preview Atlas icon.
You can then use the arrows in the same toolbar to navigate through all the
You can also use the combo box to directly select and preview a specific feature. The combo box shows atlas features name according to the expression set in the atlas Page name option.
As for simple compositions, an atlas can be generated in different ways (see Creating an Output for more information). Instead of Composer menu, rather use tools from Atlas menu or Atlas toolbar.
This means that you can directly print your compositions with Atlas ‣ Print Atlas.
You can also create a PDF using Atlas ‣ Export Atlas as PDF...:
The user will be asked for a directory to save all the generated PDF files,
except if the Single file export when possible has been
selected. In that case, you’ll be prompted to give a filename.
With Atlas ‣ Export Atlas as Images... or Atlas ‣ Export Atlas as SVG... tool, you’re also prompted to select a folder. Each page of each atlas feature composition is exported to an image or SVG file.
Print a specific atlas feature
If you want to print or export the composition of only one feature of the atlas, simply start the preview, select the desired feature in the drop-down list and click on Composer ‣ Print (or export... to any supported file format).