IDE settings for writing and debugging plugins

Although each programmer has his prefered IDE/Text editor, here are some recommendations for setting up popular IDE’s for writing and debugging QGIS Python plugins.

A note on configuring your IDE on Windows

On Linux there is no additional configuration needed to develop plug-ins. But on Windows you need to make sure you that you have the same environment settings and use the same libraries and interpreter as QGIS. The fastest way to do this, is to modify the startup batch file of QGIS.

Si vous avez utilisé l’installateur OSGeo4W, vous pouvez le trouver dans le dossier bin de votre installation OSGeo4W. Cherchez quelque chose du genre C:\OSGeo4W\bin\qgis-unstable.bat.

Pour utiliser l’ IDE Pyscripter, voici quoi faire:

  • Faites une copie du fichier qgis-unstable.bat et renommez-le en pyscripter.bat.

  • Ouvrez-le dans un éditeur et supprimez la dernière ligne, celle commençant par qgis.

  • Add a line that points to the your pyscripter executable and add the commandline argument that sets the version of python to be used (2.7 in the case of QGIs 2.0)

  • Also add the argument that points to the folder where pyscripter can find the python dll used by qgis, you can find this under the bin folder of your OSGeoW install:

    @echo off
    call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%"\bin\o4w_env.bat
    call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%"\bin\gdal16.bat
    @echo off
    path %PATH%;%GISBASE%\bin
    Start C:\pyscripter\pyscripter.exe --python25 --pythondllpath=C:\OSGeo4W\bin

Now when you double click this batch file it will start pyscripter, with the correct path.

More popular that Pyscripter, Eclipse is a common choice among developers. In the following sections, we will be explaining how to configure it for depelopping and testing plugins. To prepare your environment for using Eclipse in windows, you should also create a batch file and use it to start Eclipse.

Pour créer ce fichier de commandes, suivez ces étapes.

  • Locate the folder where qgis_core.dll resides in. Normally this is C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis\bin , but if you compiled your own qgis application this is in your build folder in output/bin/RelWithDebInfo
  • Locate your eclipse.exe executable.
  • Créez le script suivant et utilisez-le pour démarrer Eclipse lorsque vous développez des extensions QGIS.

call "C:\OSGeo4W\bin\o4w_env.bat"
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\your\qgis_core.dll\parent\folder

Débogage à l’aide d’Eclipse et PyDev


Afin d’utiliser Eclipse, assurez-vous d’avoir installé

  • Eclipse
  • l’extension Aptana d’Eclipse ou PyDev

  • QGIS 2.0

Preparing QGIS

There is some preparation to be done on QGIS itself. Two plugins are of interest: Remote Debug and Plugin reloader.

  • Go to Plugins/Fetch python plugins
  • Search for Remote Debug ( at the moment it’s still experimental, so enable experimental plugins under the Options tab in case it does not show up ). Install it.
  • Search for Plugin reloader and install it as well. This will let you reload a plugin instead of having to close and restart QGIS to have the plugin reloaded.

Configuration d’Eclipse

In Eclipse, create a new project. You can select General Project and link your real sources later on, so it does not really mather where you place this project.


Projet Eclipse

Maintenant, faites un clic droit sur votre nouveau projet et choisissez Nouveau => Dossier.

Click Advanced and choose Link to alternate location (Linked Folder). In case you already have sources you want to debug, choose these, in case you don’t, create a folder as it was already explained

Now in the view Project Explorer, your source tree pops up and you can start working with the code. You already have syntax highlighting and all the other powerful IDE tools available.

Configuring the debugger

To get the debugger working, switch to the Debug perspective in eclipse (Window=>Open Perspective=>Other=>Debug).

Maintenant, démarrez le serveur de débogage PyDev en choisissant PyDev=>Démarrez Serveur de Débogage.

Eclipse is now waiting for a connection from QGIS to its debug server and when QGIS connects to the debug server it will allow it to control the python scripts. That’s exactly what we installed the Remote Debug plugin for. So start QGIS in case you did not already and click the bug symbol .

Now you can set a breakpoint and as soon as the code hits it, execution will stop and you can inspect the current state of your plugin. (The breakpoint is the green dot in the image below, set one by double clicking in the white space left to the line you want the breakpoint to be set)



A very interesting thing you can make use of now is the debug console. Make sure that the execution is currently stopped at a break point, before you proceed.

Open the Console view (Window => Show view). It will show the Debug Server console which is not very interesting. But there is a button Open Console which lets you change to a more interesting PyDev Debug Console. Click the arrow next to the Open Console button and choose PyDev Console. A window opens up to ask you which console you want to start. Choose PyDev Debug Console. In case its greyed out and tells you to Start the debugger and select the valid frame, make sure that you’ve got the remote debugger attached and are currently on a breakpoint.


PyDev Debug Console

You have now an interactive console which let’s you test any commands from within the current context. You can manipulate variables or make API calls or whatever you like.

A little bit annoying is, that everytime you enter a command, the console switches back to the Debug Server. To stop this behavior, you can click the Pin Console button when on the Debug Server page and it should remember this decision at least for the current debug session.

Making eclipse understand the API

A very handy feature is to have Eclipse actually know about the QGIS API. This enables it to check your code for typos. But not only this, it also enables Eclipse to help you with autocompletion from the imports to API calls.

To do this, Eclipse parses the QGIS library files and gets all the information out there. The only thing you have to do is to tell Eclipse where to find the libraries.

Cliquez sur Fenêtre=>Préférences=>PyDev=>Interpréteur - Python.

You will see your configured python interpreter in the upper part of the window (at the moment python2.7 for QGIS) and some tabs in the lower part. The interesting tabs for us are Libraries and Forced Builtins.


PyDev Debug Console

First open the Libraries tab. Add a New Folder and choose the python folder of your QGIS installation. If you do not know where this folder is (it’s not the plugins folder) open QGIS, start a python console and simply enter qgis and press enter. It will show you which qgis module it uses and its path. Strip the trailing /qgis/__init__.pyc from this path and you’ve got the path you are looking for.

Vous devriez également ajouter vos dossiers d’extensions ici (sur Linux, c’est ~/.qgis/python/plugins ).

Next jump to the Forced Builtins tab, click on New... and enter qgis. This will make eclipse parse the QGIS API. You probably also want eclipse to know about the PyQt4 API. Therefore also add PyQt4 as forced builtin. That should probably already be present in your libraries tab

Cliquer sur OK et c’est fini.

Note: everytime the QGIS API changes (e.g. if you’re compiling QGIS master and the sip file changed), you should go back to this page and simply click Apply. This will let Eclipse parse all the libraries again.

Pour une autre configuration d’Eclipse pour travailler avec des extensions Python de QGIS, consultez ce lien

Debugging using PDB

If you do not use an IDE such as Eclipse, you can debug using PDB, following this steps.

First add this code in the spot where you would like to debug:

# Use pdb for debugging
import pdb
# These lines allow you to set a breakpoint in the app

Ensuite exécutez QGIS depuis la ligne de commande.

Sur Linux, faites:

$ ./Qgis

Sur Mac OS X, faites:

$ /Applications/

And when the application hits your breakpoint you can type in the console!