.. |updatedisclaimer| .. _sqlanywhere: SQL Anywhere Plugin =================== SQL Anywhere is a proprietary relational database management system (RDBMS) from Sybase. SQL Anywhere includes spatial support including OGC, shape files etc. and built in functions to export to KML, GML and SVG formats. .. _figure_sql_anywhere: .. only:: html **Figure SQL Anywhere 1:** .. figure:: /static/user_manual/plugins/sql_anywhere.png :align: center :width: 25 em SQL Anywhere dialog (KDE) |nix| The |icon_sqlanywhere| :sup:`SQL Anywhere` allows to connect to spatially enabled SQL Anywhere databases. The :guilabel:`Add SQL Anywhere layer` dialog is similar in functionality to the dialogs for PostGIS and SpatiaLite. .. FIXME Needs an example, but the database is proprietary