************************ Documentation Guidelines ************************ Introduction ============ These are guidelines about general use of rst in QGIS documentation. The documentation will be build automatically on the server 0, 8am, 4pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time). The current status is available at http://docs.qgis.org. See also: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/inline.html or convention.rst file. In general, when creating rst documentation for the QGIS project, please follow the `Python documentation style guide lines `_. Using headlines =============== Adding new haedlines, you should use following styles for chapter, section, subsection and minisec. headlines :: ******** Chapter ******** Section ======= Subsection ---------- Minisec ....... Inline tags =========== * Shorcut keyboard: :: :kbd:`ctrl B` will show :kbd:`Ctrl B` * Menu gui :: :menuselection:`menu --> submenu` * Filename :: :file:`README.rst` * Icon with popup text belonging to Icon :: |icon| :sup:`popup_text` (see `image`_ below). * Dialog and Tab title :: :guilabel:`title` * User text :: ``label`` Footnotes ========= Please note: Footnotes are not recognized by any translation software and it is also not converted to pdf format properly. So, if don't use footnotes within any documentation. This is for creating a footnote :: blabla [1]_ Which will point to: .. [1] Updates of core plugins .. _my_anchor: Label/reference =============== This is used to create a reference somewhere :: .. _my_anchor: Label/reference =============== This will call the reference in the **same page** :: see my_anchor_ for more information. Notice how it will jump to the following line/thing following the 'anchor'. Normally to declare this label you do not need to use apastroph's but you do need to use empty lines before and after the anchor. If you use :ref:`my_anchor` it will display the caption instead (In this case the title of this section!) So reference 1 (my_anchor_) and reference 2 :ref:`my_anchor` Because the reference often displays a full caption, there is not really the need to use the word section :: see :ref:`my_anchor` .. _`image`: Figure and image ================= Figure :: .. _figure_readme_1: .. only:: html **Figure Readme 1:** .. figure:: /static/common/qgislogo.png :width: 20 em :align: center A caption: A logo I like The result looks like this: .. _figure_readme_1: .. only:: html **Figure Readme 1:** .. figure:: /static/common/qgislogo.png :width: 20 em :align: center A caption: A logo I like Use ``.. only:: html`` to make the number to the figure (**Figure Readme 1**) visible only in the html files. The scripts will insert an automatical generated number before the caption of the figure in pdf. To use a caption (see My caption) just insert indented text after a blank line in the figure block. Referencing to the figure can be done in two ways first using the reference label like this :: (see Figure_Readme_1_). It will show the anchor Figure_Readme_1_. You can use uppercase if you want. It can be used in the same :file:`.rst` document but not in other .rst documents. You can not use the reference like this anymore, because in html the reference to the caption is lost (it now refers to the place before **Figure Readme 1:** :: see :ref:`figure_readme_1`, does not work due to the lost reference to the caption of the figure, this is not a 'bug' but a choice we made! Tables ------ a simple table :: ======= ======= ======= x y z ======= ======= ======= 1 2 3 2 4 ======= ======= ======= Use a ``\`` followed by an empty space ' ' to leave an empty space. You can also use more complicated tables by drawing them using refences and all :: .. _my_drawn_table_1: +---------------+--------------------+ | Windows | Mac OSX | +---------------+--------------------+ | |win| | |osx| | +---------------+--------------------+ | and of course not to forget |nix| | +------------------------------------+ My drawn table, mind you this is unfortunately not regarded a caption You can reference to it like this my_drawn_table_1_. The result: .. _my_drawn_table_1: +---------------+--------------------+ | Windows | Mac OSX | +---------------+--------------------+ | |win| | |osx| | +---------------+--------------------+ | and of course not to forget |nix| | +------------------------------------+ My drawn table, mind you this is unfortunately not regarded a caption You can reference to it like this my_drawn_table_1_. Pictures -------- Image :: .. image:: /static/common/qgislogo.png :width: 10 em Replacement ----------- You can put an image inside text or add an alias to use everywhere. To use an image inside a paragraph, just create an alias somewhere :: .. |nice_logo| image:: /static/common/qgislogo.png :width: 2 em and call it in your paragraph :: my paragraph begins here with a nice logo |nice_logo|. Here is how this example become: .. |nice_logo| image:: /static/common/qgislogo.png :width: 2 em my paragraph begins here with a nice logo |nice_logo|. Index ===== Several index tag exists in RST. To be able to translate the index, it is necessary to integrate it into the normal text. In this case use this syntax: :: QGIS allows to load several :index:`Vector formats` supported by GDAL/OGR ... If the term does not have to be translated, please use this syntax: :: .. index:: WMS, WFS, WCS, CAT, SFS, GML, ... Add new Screenshots =================== Here are some hints to create new, nice looking screenshots. For the user guide they go into ./resources/en/user_manual/ * same environment for all the screen caps (same OS, same decoration, same font size) * reduce the window to the minimal space needed to show the feature (taking the all screen for a small modal window > overkill) * the less clutter, the better (no need to activate all the toolbars) * don't resize them in an image editor, the size will be set into the rst files (downscaling the dimensions without properly upping the resolution > ugly) * cut the background * save them in png (no jpeg artifacts) * the screenshot should show the content according to what is described in the text Translate Screenshots ===================== Here are some hints to create screenshots for your translated user guide. They will go into ./resources//user_manual/ * same environment for all the screen caps (same OS, same decoration, same font size) * same size as the english 'original' screenshots, otherwise they will be stretched and look ugly. If you need to have a different size due to longuer ui strings, don't forget to change the dimension in the rst code of your language. * reduce the window to the minimal space needed to show the feature (taking the all screen for a small modal window > overkill) * the less clutter, the better (no need to activate all the toolbars) * don't resize them in an image editor, the size will be set into the rst files (downscaling the dimensions without properly upping the resolution > ugly) * cut the background * save them in png (no jpeg artifacts) * the screenshot should show the content according to what is described in the text