17#include "moc_qgslayertreeviewitemdelegate.cpp"
QgsLayerTreeView *treeView )
33 , mLayerTreeView( treeView )
38QRect QgsLayerTreeViewProxyStyle::subElementRect( QStyle::SubElement element,
const QStyleOption *option,
const QWidget *widget )
40 if ( element == SE_LayerTreeItemIndicator )
42 if (
const QStyleOptionViewItem *vopt = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionViewItem *>( option ) )
46 const int count = mLayerTreeView->indicators( node ).count();
49 const QRect vpr = mLayerTreeView->viewport()->rect();
50 const QRect r = QProxyStyle::subElementRect( SE_ItemViewItemText, option, widget );
51 const int indiWidth = r.height() * count;
52 const int spacing = r.height() / 10;
53 const int vpIndiWidth = vpr.width() - indiWidth - spacing - mLayerTreeView->layerMarkWidth();
54 return QRect( vpIndiWidth, r.top(), indiWidth, r.height() );
59 return QProxyStyle::subElementRect( element, option, widget );
QgsLayerTreeView *parent )
67 : QStyledItemDelegate( parent )
68 , mLayerTreeView( parent )
70 connect( mLayerTreeView, &QgsLayerTreeView::clicked,
this, &QgsLayerTreeViewItemDelegate::onClicked );
74void QgsLayerTreeViewItemDelegate::paint( QPainter *painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index )
76 QStyledItemDelegate::paint( painter, option, index );
82 QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option;
83 initStyleOption( &opt, index );
85 const QColor baseColor = opt.palette.base().color();
86 const QRect tRect = mLayerTreeView->style()->subElementRect( QStyle::SE_ItemViewItemText, &opt, mLayerTreeView );
88 const bool shouldShowLayerMark = tRect.left() < 0;
89 if ( shouldShowLayerMark )
91 const int tPadding = tRect.height() / 10;
92 const QRect mRect( mLayerTreeView->viewport()->rect().right() - mLayerTreeView->layerMarkWidth(), tRect.top() + tPadding, mLayerTreeView->layerMarkWidth(), tRect.height() - tPadding * 2 );
93 const QBrush pb = painter->brush();
94 const QPen pp = painter->pen();
95 painter->setPen( QPen( Qt::NoPen ) );
96 QBrush b = QBrush( opt.palette.mid() );
97 QColor bc = b.color();
99 bc.setRed(
static_cast< int >( bc.red() * 0.3 + baseColor.red() * 0.7 ) );
100 bc.setGreen(
static_cast< int >( bc.green() * 0.3 + baseColor.green() * 0.7 ) );
101 bc.setBlue(
static_cast< int >( bc.blue() * 0.3 + baseColor.blue() * 0.7 ) );
103 painter->setBrush( b );
104 painter->drawRect( mRect );
105 painter->setBrush( pb );
106 painter->setPen( pp );
109 const QList<QgsLayerTreeViewIndicator *> indicators = mLayerTreeView->indicators( node );
110 if ( indicators.isEmpty() )
113 const QRect indRect = mLayerTreeView->style()->subElementRect(
>( QgsLayerTreeViewProxyStyle::SE_LayerTreeItemIndicator ), &opt, mLayerTreeView );
114 const int spacing = indRect.height() / 10;
115 const int h = indRect.height();
116 int x = indRect.left();
120 const QRect rect( x + spacing, indRect.top() + spacing, h - spacing * 2, h - spacing * 2 );
122 const QRect iconRect( x + spacing * 2, indRect.top() + spacing * 2, h - spacing * 4, h - spacing * 4 );
125 QIcon::Mode mode = QIcon::Normal;
126 if ( !( opt.state & QStyle::State_Enabled ) )
127 mode = QIcon::Disabled;
128 else if ( opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected )
129 mode = QIcon::Selected;
132 const qreal bradius = spacing;
133 const QBrush pb = painter->brush();
134 const QPen pp = painter->pen();
135 QBrush b = QBrush( opt.palette.midlight() );
136 QColor bc = b.color();
137 bc.setRed(
static_cast< int >( bc.red() * 0.3 + baseColor.red() * 0.7 ) );
138 bc.setGreen(
static_cast< int >( bc.green() * 0.3 + baseColor.green() * 0.7 ) );
139 bc.setBlue(
static_cast< int >( bc.blue() * 0.3 + baseColor.blue() * 0.7 ) );
141 painter->setBrush( b );
142 painter->setPen( QPen( QBrush( opt.palette.mid() ), 0.25 ) );
143 painter->drawRoundedRect( rect, bradius, bradius );
144 painter->setBrush( pb );
145 painter->setPen( pp );
147 indicator->icon().paint( painter, iconRect, Qt::AlignCenter, mode );
151static void _fixStyleOption( QStyleOptionViewItem &opt )
159 opt.showDecorationSelected =
162bool QgsLayerTreeViewItemDelegate::helpEvent( QHelpEvent *event, QAbstractItemView *view,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index )
164 if ( event && event->type() == QEvent::ToolTip )
169 const QList<QgsLayerTreeViewIndicator *> indicators = mLayerTreeView->indicators( node );
170 if ( !indicators.isEmpty() )
172 QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option;
173 initStyleOption( &opt, index );
174 _fixStyleOption( opt );
176 const QRect indRect = mLayerTreeView->style()->subElementRect(
>( QgsLayerTreeViewProxyStyle::SE_LayerTreeItemIndicator ), &opt, mLayerTreeView );
178 if ( indRect.contains( event->pos() ) )
180 const int indicatorIndex = (
event->pos().x() - indRect.left() ) / indRect.height();
181 if ( indicatorIndex >= 0 && indicatorIndex < indicators.count() )
183 const QString tooltip = indicators[indicatorIndex]->toolTip();
184 if ( !tooltip.isEmpty() )
186 QToolTip::showText( event->globalPos(), tooltip, view );
194 return QStyledItemDelegate::helpEvent( event, view, option, index );
198void QgsLayerTreeViewItemDelegate::onClicked(
const QModelIndex &index )
204 const QList<QgsLayerTreeViewIndicator *> indicators = mLayerTreeView->indicators( node );
205 if ( indicators.isEmpty() )
209 QStyleOptionViewItem opt( mLayerTreeView->viewOptions() );
211 QStyleOptionViewItem opt;
212 mLayerTreeView->initViewItemOption( &opt );
214 opt.rect = mLayerTreeView->visualRect( index );
215 initStyleOption( &opt, index );
216 _fixStyleOption( opt );
218 const QRect indRect = mLayerTreeView->style()->subElementRect(
>( QgsLayerTreeViewProxyStyle::SE_LayerTreeItemIndicator ), &opt, mLayerTreeView );
220 const QPoint pos = mLayerTreeView->mLastReleaseMousePos;
221 if ( indRect.contains( pos ) )
223 const int indicatorIndex = ( pos.x() - indRect.left() ) / indRect.height();
224 if ( indicatorIndex >= 0 && indicatorIndex < indicators.count() )
225 emit indicators[indicatorIndex]->clicked( index );
This class is a base class for nodes in a layer tree.
Indicator that can be used in a layer tree view to display icons next to items of the layer tree.
The QgsLayerTreeView class extends QTreeView and provides some additional functionality when working ...
A QProxyStyle subclass which correctly sets the base style to match the QGIS application style,...