16#include "moc_qgsannotationitemwidget_impl.cpp"
42QgsAnnotationPolygonItemWidget::QgsAnnotationPolygonItemWidget( QWidget *parent )
48 mSelector->setDockMode( dockMode() );
50 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
58 QVBoxLayout *layout =
new QVBoxLayout();
59 layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
60 layout->addWidget( mSelector );
61 mSymbolSelectorFrame->setLayout( layout );
64 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
73 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( newItem );
81 polygonItem->
setSymbol( mSymbol->clone() );
82 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( polygonItem );
86void QgsAnnotationPolygonItemWidget::setDockMode(
bool dockMode )
90 mSelector->setDockMode( dockMode );
97 mSelector->setContext( context );
98 mPropertiesWidget->setContext( context );
101QgsAnnotationPolygonItemWidget::~QgsAnnotationPolygonItemWidget() =
109 mItem.reset( polygonItem->
clone() );
110 if ( mItem->symbol() )
112 mSymbol.reset( mItem->symbol()->clone() );
118 mBlockChangedSignal =
119 mSelector->loadSymbol( mSymbol.get() );
120 mSelector->updatePreview();
121 mPropertiesWidget->setItem( mItem.get() );
122 mBlockChangedSignal =
132QgsAnnotationLineItemWidget::QgsAnnotationLineItemWidget( QWidget *parent )
138 mSelector->setDockMode( dockMode() );
140 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
148 QVBoxLayout *layout =
new QVBoxLayout();
149 layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
150 layout->addWidget( mSelector );
151 mSymbolSelectorFrame->setLayout( layout );
154 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
163 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( newItem );
172 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( lineItem );
176void QgsAnnotationLineItemWidget::setDockMode(
bool dockMode )
180 mSelector->setDockMode( dockMode );
187 mSelector->setContext( context );
188 mPropertiesWidget->setContext( context );
191QgsAnnotationLineItemWidget::~QgsAnnotationLineItemWidget() =
199 mItem.reset( lineItem->
clone() );
200 if ( mItem->symbol() )
202 mSymbol.reset( mItem->symbol()->clone() );
208 mBlockChangedSignal =
209 mSelector->loadSymbol( mSymbol.get() );
210 mSelector->updatePreview();
211 mPropertiesWidget->setItem( mItem.get() );
212 mBlockChangedSignal =
222QgsAnnotationMarkerItemWidget::QgsAnnotationMarkerItemWidget( QWidget *parent )
228 mSelector->setDockMode( dockMode() );
230 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
238 QVBoxLayout *layout =
new QVBoxLayout();
239 layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
240 layout->addWidget( mSelector );
241 mSymbolSelectorFrame->setLayout( layout );
244 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
253 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( newItem );
261 markerItem->
setSymbol( mSymbol->clone() );
262 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( markerItem );
266void QgsAnnotationMarkerItemWidget::setDockMode(
bool dockMode )
270 mSelector->setDockMode( dockMode );
277 mSelector->setContext( context );
278 mPropertiesWidget->setContext( context );
281QgsAnnotationMarkerItemWidget::~QgsAnnotationMarkerItemWidget() =
289 mItem.reset( markerItem->
clone() );
290 if ( mItem->symbol() )
292 mSymbol.reset( mItem->symbol()->clone() );
298 mBlockChangedSignal =
299 mSelector->loadSymbol( mSymbol.get() );
300 mSelector->updatePreview();
301 mPropertiesWidget->setItem( mItem.get() );
302 mBlockChangedSignal =
312QgsAnnotationPointTextItemWidget::QgsAnnotationPointTextItemWidget( QWidget *parent )
321 mSpinTextAngle->setClearValue( 0 );
326 mAlignmentComboBox->setAvailableAlignments( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignRight );
333 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
337 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
340 connect( mInsertExpressionButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAnnotationPointTextItemWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked );
342 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
346 connect( mSpinTextAngle, qOverload<double>( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, [=] {
347 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
351 connect( mRotationModeCombo, qOverload<int>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, [=] {
352 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
357 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
365 updateItem( newItem );
373 mBlockChangedSignal =
374 pointTextItem->
setFormat( mTextFormatButton->textFormat() );
375 pointTextItem->setText( mTextFormatButton->textFormat().allowHtmlFormatting() ? mTextEdit->toHtml() : mTextEdit->toPlainText() );
376 pointTextItem->setAngle( mSpinTextAngle->value() );
378 pointTextItem->setAlignment( mAlignmentComboBox->currentAlignment() );
379 mBlockChangedSignal =
380 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( pointTextItem );
387 if ( mTextFormatButton )
389 mTextFormatButton->setMapCanvas( context.
mapCanvas() );
390 mTextFormatButton->setMessageBar( context.
messageBar() );
392 mPropertiesWidget->setContext( context );
395void QgsAnnotationPointTextItemWidget::focusDefaultWidget()
397 mTextEdit->textEdit()->selectAll();
398 mTextEdit->setFocus();
401QgsAnnotationPointTextItemWidget::~QgsAnnotationPointTextItemWidget() =
409 mItem.reset( textItem->
clone() );
411 mBlockChangedSignal =
412 mTextFormatButton->setTextFormat( mItem->format() );
414 mTextEdit->
setText( mItem->text() );
415 mSpinTextAngle->setValue( mItem->angle() );
416 mRotationModeCombo->setCurrentIndex( mRotationModeCombo->findData( QVariant::fromValue( mItem->rotationMode() ) ) );
417 mAlignmentComboBox->setCurrentAlignment( mItem->alignment() & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask );
418 mPropertiesWidget->setItem( mItem.get() );
419 mBlockChangedSignal =
424void QgsAnnotationPointTextItemWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked()
429 if ( context().expressionContext() )
436 exprDlg.setWindowTitle( tr(
"Insert Expression" ) );
437 if ( exprDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
439 expression = exprDlg.expressionText().trimmed();
440 if ( !expression.isEmpty() )
442 mTextEdit->textEdit()->insertPlainText(
"[%" + expression +
"%]" );
452QgsAnnotationLineTextItemWidget::QgsAnnotationLineTextItemWidget( QWidget *parent )
466 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
470 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
473 connect( mInsertExpressionButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAnnotationLineTextItemWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked );
475 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
480 mSpinOffset->setClearValue( 0.0 );
481 connect( mSpinOffset,
static_cast<void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )(
double )
>( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, [=] {
482 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
487 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
492QgsAnnotationLineTextItemWidget::~QgsAnnotationLineTextItemWidget() =
497 updateItem( newItem );
505 mBlockChangedSignal =
506 lineTextItem->
setFormat( mTextFormatButton->textFormat() );
507 lineTextItem->setText( mTextFormatButton->textFormat().allowHtmlFormatting() ? mTextEdit->toHtml() : mTextEdit->toPlainText() );
509 lineTextItem->setOffsetFromLine( mSpinOffset->value() );
510 lineTextItem->setOffsetFromLineUnit( mOffsetUnitWidget->unit() );
511 lineTextItem->setOffsetFromLineMapUnitScale( mOffsetUnitWidget->getMapUnitScale() );
513 mBlockChangedSignal =
514 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( lineTextItem );
521 if ( mTextFormatButton )
523 mTextFormatButton->setMapCanvas( context.
mapCanvas() );
524 mTextFormatButton->setMessageBar( context.
messageBar() );
526 mPropertiesWidget->setContext( context );
529void QgsAnnotationLineTextItemWidget::focusDefaultWidget()
531 mTextEdit->textEdit()->selectAll();
532 mTextEdit->setFocus();
541 mItem.reset( textItem->
clone() );
543 mBlockChangedSignal =
544 mTextFormatButton->setTextFormat( mItem->format() );
546 mTextEdit->
setText( mItem->text() );
547 mPropertiesWidget->setItem( mItem.get() );
549 mSpinOffset->setValue( mItem->offsetFromLine() );
550 mOffsetUnitWidget->setUnit( mItem->offsetFromLineUnit() );
551 mOffsetUnitWidget->setMapUnitScale( mItem->offsetFromLineMapUnitScale() );
553 mBlockChangedSignal =
558void QgsAnnotationLineTextItemWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked()
563 if ( context().expressionContext() )
570 exprDlg.setWindowTitle( tr(
"Insert Expression" ) );
571 if ( exprDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
573 expression = exprDlg.expressionText().trimmed();
574 if ( !expression.isEmpty() )
576 mTextEdit->textEdit()->insertPlainText(
"[%" + expression +
"%]" );
586QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget( QWidget *parent )
598 mBackgroundSymbolButton->setDialogTitle( tr(
"Background" ) );
599 mBackgroundSymbolButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator(
this );
601 mFrameSymbolButton->setDialogTitle( tr(
"Frame" ) );
602 mFrameSymbolButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator(
this );
604 mSpinBottomMargin->setClearValue( 0 );
605 mSpinTopMargin->setClearValue( 0 );
606 mSpinRightMargin->setClearValue( 0 );
607 mSpinLeftMargin->setClearValue( 0 );
614 mAlignmentComboBox->setAvailableAlignments( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignJustify );
615 mVerticalAlignmentComboBox->setAvailableAlignments( Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignBottom );
625 connect( mInsertExpressionButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked );
629 connect( mFrameCheckbox, &QGroupBox::toggled,
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
630 connect( mBackgroundCheckbox, &QGroupBox::toggled,
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
631 connect( mBackgroundSymbolButton, &
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
632 connect( mFrameSymbolButton, &
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
633 connect( mSpinTopMargin, qOverload<double>( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
634 connect( mSpinRightMargin, qOverload<double>( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
635 connect( mSpinLeftMargin, qOverload<double>( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
636 connect( mSpinBottomMargin, qOverload<double>( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
641 connect( mWidthSpinBox, qOverload<double>( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::setWidth );
642 connect( mHeightSpinBox, qOverload<double>( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::setHeight );
644 connect( mSizeModeCombo, qOverload<int>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::sizeModeChanged );
645 mWidgetFixedSize->hide();
652 updateItem( newItem );
660 mBlockChangedSignal =
661 rectTextItem->
setFormat( mTextFormatButton->textFormat() );
662 rectTextItem->setText( mTextFormatButton->textFormat().allowHtmlFormatting() ? mTextEdit->toHtml() : mTextEdit->toPlainText() );
663 rectTextItem->setAlignment( mAlignmentComboBox->currentAlignment() | mVerticalAlignmentComboBox->currentAlignment() );
667 rectTextItem->setFixedSize( QSizeF( mWidthSpinBox->value(), mHeightSpinBox->value() ) );
668 rectTextItem->setFixedSizeUnit( mSizeUnitWidget->unit() );
670 rectTextItem->setBackgroundEnabled( mBackgroundCheckbox->isChecked() );
671 rectTextItem->setFrameEnabled( mFrameCheckbox->isChecked() );
672 rectTextItem->setBackgroundSymbol( mBackgroundSymbolButton->clonedSymbol<
QgsFillSymbol>() );
673 rectTextItem->setFrameSymbol( mFrameSymbolButton->clonedSymbol<
QgsFillSymbol>() );
675 rectTextItem->setMargins(
QgsMargins( mSpinLeftMargin->value(), mSpinTopMargin->value(), mSpinRightMargin->value(), mSpinBottomMargin->value() ) );
676 rectTextItem->setMarginsUnit( mMarginUnitWidget->unit() );
678 if ( mUpdateItemPosition )
680 rectTextItem->setBounds( mItem->bounds() );
681 mUpdateItemPosition =
684 mBlockChangedSignal =
686 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( rectTextItem );
693 if ( mTextFormatButton )
695 mTextFormatButton->setMapCanvas( context.
mapCanvas() );
696 mTextFormatButton->setMessageBar( context.
messageBar() );
698 mBackgroundSymbolButton->setMapCanvas( context.
mapCanvas() );
699 mBackgroundSymbolButton->setMessageBar( context.
messageBar() );
700 mFrameSymbolButton->setMapCanvas( context.
mapCanvas() );
701 mFrameSymbolButton->setMessageBar( context.
messageBar() );
702 mPropertiesWidget->setContext( context );
708 if ( context().expressionContext() )
712 return expressionContext;
715void QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::focusDefaultWidget()
717 mTextEdit->textEdit()->selectAll();
718 mTextEdit->setFocus();
721QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::~QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget() =
729 mItem.reset( textItem->
clone() );
731 mBlockChangedSignal =
732 mTextFormatButton->setTextFormat( mItem->format() );
734 mTextEdit->
setText( mItem->text() );
735 mAlignmentComboBox->setCurrentAlignment( mItem->alignment() & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask );
736 mVerticalAlignmentComboBox->setCurrentAlignment( mItem->alignment() & Qt::AlignVertical_Mask );
737 mPropertiesWidget->setItem( mItem.get() );
741 mBackgroundSymbolButton->setSymbol( symbol->clone() );
745 mFrameSymbolButton->setSymbol( symbol->clone() );
747 mMarginUnitWidget->setUnit( textItem->
marginsUnit() );
748 mSpinLeftMargin->setValue( textItem->
left() );
749 mSpinTopMargin->setValue( textItem->
top() );
750 mSpinRightMargin->setValue( textItem->
right() );
753 mWidthSpinBox->setValue( textItem->
fixedSize().width() );
754 mHeightSpinBox->setValue( textItem->
fixedSize().height() );
756 mSizeModeCombo->setCurrentIndex( mSizeModeCombo->findData( QVariant::fromValue( textItem->
placementMode() ) ) );
758 mBlockChangedSignal =
763void QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::onWidgetChanged()
765 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
769void QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::sizeModeChanged()
775 mWidgetFixedSize->hide();
781 const QgsRectangle itemBoundsMapUnits = details->boundingBox();
784 const QgsPointXY topLeftPixels = canvas->mapSettings().mapToPixel().transform( itemBoundsMapUnits.
xMinimum(), itemBoundsMapUnits.
yMinimum() );
785 const QgsPointXY bottomRightPixels = canvas->mapSettings().mapToPixel().transform( itemBoundsMapUnits.
xMaximum(), itemBoundsMapUnits.
yMaximum() );
786 const double widthPixels = std::abs( bottomRightPixels.
x() - topLeftPixels.
x() );
787 const double heightPixels = std::abs( bottomRightPixels.
y() - topLeftPixels.
y() );
790 const double pixelsPerMm = canvas->mapSettings().outputDpi() / 25.4;
792 mItem->setFixedSize( QSizeF( widthPixels / pixelsPerMm, heightPixels / pixelsPerMm ) );
795 whileBlocking( mWidthSpinBox )->setValue( mItem->fixedSize().width() );
796 whileBlocking( mHeightSpinBox )->setValue( mItem->fixedSize().height() );
797 whileBlocking( mSizeUnitWidget )->setUnit( mItem->fixedSizeUnit() );
799 mUpdateItemPosition =
803 mWidgetFixedSize->show();
814 const double centerX = ( itemBounds.
x() - canvas->extent().xMinimum() ) / canvas->extent().
815 const double centerY = ( canvas->extent().yMaximum() - itemBounds.
y() ) / canvas->extent().height();
817 mUpdateItemPosition =
821 mWidgetFixedSize->hide();
829void QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::setWidth()
834void QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::setHeight()
839void QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItemWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked()
845 exprDlg.setWindowTitle( tr(
"Insert Expression" ) );
846 if ( exprDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
848 expression = exprDlg.expressionText().trimmed();
849 if ( !expression.isEmpty() )
851 mTextEdit->textEdit()->insertPlainText(
"[%" + expression +
"%]" );
861QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget( QWidget *parent )
875 mBackgroundSymbolButton->setDialogTitle( tr(
"Background" ) );
876 mBackgroundSymbolButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator(
this );
878 mFrameSymbolButton->setDialogTitle( tr(
"Frame" ) );
879 mFrameSymbolButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator(
this );
882 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
886 connect( mSizeModeCombo, qOverload<int>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::sizeModeChanged );
888 connect( mRadioSVG, &QRadioButton::toggled,
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::modeChanged );
889 connect( mRadioRaster, &QRadioButton::toggled,
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::modeChanged );
891 if ( !mRadioSVG->isChecked() && QFileInfo( source ).suffix().compare( QLatin1String(
"svg" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
893 mRadioSVG->setChecked(
true );
899 connect( mLockAspectRatioCheck, &QCheckBox::toggled,
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
900 connect( mFrameCheckbox, &QGroupBox::toggled,
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
901 connect( mBackgroundCheckbox, &QGroupBox::toggled,
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
902 connect( mBackgroundSymbolButton, &
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::onWidgetChanged );
906 connect( mWidthSpinBox, qOverload<double>( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::setWidth );
907 connect( mHeightSpinBox, qOverload<double>( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
this, &QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::setHeight );
911QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::~QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget() =
916 updateItem( newItem );
924 const bool svg = mRadioSVG->isChecked();
926 const QString path = mSourceLineEdit->source();
927 pictureItem->
setPath( newFormat, path );
930 switch ( pictureItem->placementMode() )
933 pictureItem->setLockAspectRatio( mLockAspectRatioCheck->isChecked() );
937 pictureItem->setLockAspectRatio( mLockAspectRatio->isChecked() );
941 pictureItem->setFixedSize( QSizeF( mWidthSpinBox->value(), mHeightSpinBox->value() ) );
942 pictureItem->setFixedSizeUnit( mSizeUnitWidget->unit() );
944 pictureItem->setBackgroundEnabled( mBackgroundCheckbox->isChecked() );
945 pictureItem->setFrameEnabled( mFrameCheckbox->isChecked() );
946 pictureItem->setBackgroundSymbol( mBackgroundSymbolButton->clonedSymbol<
QgsFillSymbol>() );
947 pictureItem->setFrameSymbol( mFrameSymbolButton->clonedSymbol<
QgsFillSymbol>() );
949 if ( mUpdateItemPosition )
951 pictureItem->setBounds( mItem->bounds() );
952 mUpdateItemPosition =
955 mPropertiesWidget->updateItem( pictureItem );
959void QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::setDockMode(
bool dockMode )
967 mPropertiesWidget->setContext( context );
968 mBackgroundSymbolButton->setMapCanvas( context.
mapCanvas() );
969 mBackgroundSymbolButton->setMessageBar( context.
messageBar() );
970 mFrameSymbolButton->setMapCanvas( context.
mapCanvas() );
971 mFrameSymbolButton->setMessageBar( context.
messageBar() );
977 if ( context().expressionContext() )
981 return expressionContext;
984void QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::focusDefaultWidget()
986 mSourceLineEdit->setFocus();
995 mItem.reset( pictureItem->
clone() );
997 mBlockChangedSignal =
998 mPropertiesWidget->setItem( mItem.get() );
1000 mLockAspectRatioCheck->setChecked( mItem->lockAspectRatio() );
1001 mLockAspectRatio->setLocked( mItem->lockAspectRatio() );
1002 switch ( pictureItem->
format() )
1005 mRadioSVG->setChecked(
true );
1008 mRadioRaster->setChecked(
true );
1014 mSourceLineEdit->setSource( pictureItem->
path() );
1018 mBackgroundSymbolButton->setSymbol( symbol->clone() );
1020 mFrameCheckbox->setChecked( pictureItem->
frameEnabled() );
1022 mFrameSymbolButton->setSymbol( symbol->clone() );
1024 mWidthSpinBox->setValue( pictureItem->
fixedSize().width() );
1025 mHeightSpinBox->setValue( pictureItem->
fixedSize().height() );
1026 mSizeModeCombo->setCurrentIndex( mSizeModeCombo->findData( QVariant::fromValue( pictureItem->
placementMode() ) ) );
1029 mBlockChangedSignal =
1034void QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::onWidgetChanged()
1036 if ( !mBlockChangedSignal )
1040void QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::modeChanged(
bool checked )
1045 const bool svg = mRadioSVG->isChecked();
1055void QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::sizeModeChanged()
1061 mSizeStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageSpatialBounds );
1065 mSizeStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageFixedSize );
1073 const QgsRectangle itemBounds = details->boundingBox();
1076 const double centerX = ( itemBounds.
x() - canvas->extent().xMinimum() ) / canvas->extent().
1077 const double centerY = ( canvas->extent().yMaximum() - itemBounds.
y() ) / canvas->extent().height();
1079 mUpdateItemPosition =
1083 mSizeStackedWidget->setCurrentWidget( mPageFixedSize );
1091void QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::setWidth()
1093 if ( mLockAspectRatio->locked() )
1095 const double ratio = pictureAspectRatio();
1097 whileBlocking( mHeightSpinBox )->setValue( mWidthSpinBox->value() * ratio );
1103void QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::setHeight()
1105 if ( mLockAspectRatio->locked() )
1107 const double ratio = pictureAspectRatio();
1109 whileBlocking( mWidthSpinBox )->setValue( mHeightSpinBox->value() / ratio );
1115void QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::setLockAspectRatio(
bool locked )
1117 if ( locked && !mBlockChangedSignal )
1119 const double ratio = pictureAspectRatio();
1121 whileBlocking( mHeightSpinBox )->setValue( mWidthSpinBox->value() * ratio );
1127double QgsAnnotationPictureItemWidget::pictureAspectRatio()
1129 const bool svg = mRadioSVG->isChecked();
1130 const QString path = mSourceLineEdit->source();
1140 if ( size.isValid() && size.width() > 0 )
1141 return size.height() / size.width();
Modes for handling how symbol and text entity rotation is handled when maps are rotated.
@ RespectMapRotation
Entity is rotated along with the map.
@ IgnoreMapRotation
Entity ignores map rotation.
Picture formats.
@ Unknown
Invalid or unknown image type.
@ Percentage
Percentage of another measurement (e.g., canvas size, feature size)
@ Millimeters
@ Points
Points (e.g., for font sizes)
@ MetersInMapUnits
Meters value as Map units.
Annotation item placement modes.
@ SpatialBounds
Item is rendered inside fixed spatial bounds, and size will depend on map scale.
@ FixedSize
Item is rendered at a fixed size, regardless of map scale. Item's location is georeferenced to a spat...
@ RelativeToMapFrame
Items size and placement is relative to the map's frame, and the item will always be rendered in the ...
void sourceChanged(const QString &source)
Emitted whenever the file source is changed in the widget.
void changed()
Emitted when the alignment is changed.
Abstract base class for annotation items which are drawn with QgsAnnotationLayers.
An annotation item which renders a line symbol along a line geometry.
void setSymbol(QgsLineSymbol *symbol)
Sets the symbol used to render the marker item.
QgsAnnotationLineItem * clone() const override
Returns a clone of the item.
An annotation item which renders text along a line geometry.
QgsAnnotationLineTextItem * clone() const override
Returns a clone of the item.
void setText(const QString &text)
Sets the text rendered by the item.
void setFormat(const QgsTextFormat &format)
Sets the text format used to render the text.
An annotation item which renders a marker symbol at a point location.
void setSymbol(QgsMarkerSymbol *symbol)
Sets the symbol used to render the marker item.
QgsAnnotationMarkerItem * clone() const override
Returns a clone of the item.
An annotation item which renders a picture.
Qgis::PictureFormat format() const
Returns the picture format.
QString path() const
Returns the path of the image used to render the item.
QgsAnnotationPictureItem * clone() const override
Returns a clone of the item.
void setPath(Qgis::PictureFormat format, const QString &path)
Sets the format and path of the image used to render the item.
An annotation item which renders a text string at a point location.
void setText(const QString &text)
Sets the text rendered by the item.
void setFormat(const QgsTextFormat &format)
Sets the text format used to render the text.
QgsAnnotationPointTextItem * clone() const override
Returns a clone of the item.
An annotation item which renders a fill symbol for a polygon geometry.
void setSymbol(QgsFillSymbol *symbol)
Sets the symbol used to render the polygon item.
QgsAnnotationPolygonItem * clone() const override
Returns a clone of the item.
Qgis::RenderUnit fixedSizeUnit() const
Returns the units to use for fixed item sizes, when the placementMode() is Qgis::AnnotationPlacementM...
QSizeF fixedSize() const
Returns the fixed size to use for the item, when the placementMode() is Qgis::AnnotationPlacementMode...
bool frameEnabled() const
Returns true if the item's frame should be rendered.
const QgsFillSymbol * frameSymbol() const
Returns the symbol used to render the item's frame.
Qgis::AnnotationPlacementMode placementMode() const
Returns the placement mode for the item.
bool backgroundEnabled() const
Returns true if the item's background should be rendered.
const QgsFillSymbol * backgroundSymbol() const
Returns the symbol used to render the item's background.
An annotation item which renders paragraphs of text within a rectangle.
void setFormat(const QgsTextFormat &format)
Sets the text format used to render the text.
QgsAnnotationRectangleTextItem * clone() const override
Returns a clone of the item.
const QgsMargins & margins() const
Returns the margins between the outside of the item's frame and the interior text.
void setText(const QString &text)
Sets the text rendered by the item.
Qgis::RenderUnit marginsUnit() const
Returns the units for the margins between the item's frame and the interior text.
static QgsRecentStyleHandler * recentStyleHandler()
Returns the handler for recently used style items.
static QgsImageCache * imageCache()
Returns the application's image cache, used for caching resampled versions of raster images.
static QgsSvgCache * svgCache()
Returns the application's SVG cache, used for caching SVG images and handling parameter replacement w...
A generic dialog for building expression strings.
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...
static QString findAndSelectActiveExpression(QgsCodeEditor *editor, const QString &pattern=QString())
Find the expression under the cursor in the given editor and select it.
A fill symbol type, for rendering Polygon and MultiPolygon geometries.
static QgsFillSymbol * createSimple(const QVariantMap &properties)
Create a fill symbol with one symbol layer: SimpleFill with specified properties.
QSize originalSize(const QString &path, bool blocking=false) const
Returns the original size (in pixels) of the image at the specified path.
static QgsLineSymbol * createSimple(const QVariantMap &properties)
Create a line symbol with one symbol layer: SimpleLine with specified properties.
Map canvas is a class for displaying all GIS data types on a canvas.
The QgsMargins class defines the four margins of a rectangle.
double top() const
Returns the top margin.
double right() const
Returns the right margin.
double bottom() const
Returns the bottom margin.
double left() const
Returns the left margin.
static QgsMarkerSymbol * createSimple(const QVariantMap &properties)
Create a marker symbol with one symbol layer: SimpleMarker with specified properties.
A class to represent a 2D point.
static QgsProject * instance()
Returns the QgsProject singleton instance.
QgsExpressionContext createExpressionContext() const override
This method needs to be reimplemented in all classes which implement this interface and return an exp...
void pushRecentSymbol(const QString &identifier, QgsSymbol *symbol)
Pushes a recently used symbol with the specified identifier.
A rectangle specified with double values.
static QgsRectangle fromCenterAndSize(const QgsPointXY ¢er, double width, double height)
Creates a new rectangle, given the specified center point and width and height.
Contains information about a rendered annotation item.
A widget for editing rich text documents, with support for user controlled formatting of text and ins...
@ PlainText
Plain text mode.
@ QgsTextRenderer
QGIS text renderer mode, exposes the HTML/CSS subset supported by the QgsTextRenderer class.
void textChanged()
Emitted when the text contents are changed.
static QgsStyle * defaultStyle(bool initialize=true)
Returns the default application-wide style.
QSizeF svgViewboxSize(const QString &path, double size, const QColor &fill, const QColor &stroke, double strokeWidth, double widthScaleFactor, double fixedAspectRatio=0, bool blocking=false, const QMap< QString, QString > ¶meters=QMap< QString, QString >())
Calculates the viewbox size of a (possibly cached) SVG file.
Contains settings which reflect the context in which a symbol (or renderer) widget is shown,...
QgsExpressionContext * expressionContext() const
Returns the expression context used for the widget, if set.
QgsMapCanvas * mapCanvas() const
Returns the map canvas associated with the widget.
QgsMessageBar * messageBar() const
Returns the message bar associated with the widget.
Abstract base class for all rendered symbols.
QList< Qgis::RenderUnit > RenderUnitList
List of render units.
QgsSignalBlocker< Object > whileBlocking(Object *object)
Temporarily blocks signals from a QObject while calling a single method from the object.